
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Forever is too far away

How quickly time passes. 

I blink, and it's been an hour, a week, a month, a year. 

When you leave, time feels as though it should stand still. Eternity bears it's weight upon my soul. Forever is too far away.

Don't get me wrong. I want forever. But I also want now. Now and tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow.

But I only get forever.

I need to survive your loss until forever.

The clock marches on, each tic each toc moving me both further away from your life and closer to your eternity.

Time can't move fast enough. Time can't freeze fast enough.

Life, breath, and touch replaced by memories. Vapors of what once was. Vapors of you. 

They bring comfort. But they are not enough.

You are gone. You are full, at peace, without pain, and embraced by joy.

I am here. A hole has replaced your presence in my heart. I will never again be fully who I was. Your love, your loss, they have changed me.

How quickly time passes. 

blink, and it's been an hour, a week, a month, a year. 

Why won't time stand still? 

Eternity bears it's weight upon my soul. 

Forever is too far away.

-- For the Tippetts family, as they mourn for their loving wife and mother, Kara

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