
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pursuit of Purpose Workshop: Session 1

Hey girls.

Are you ready to start digging in?

All day long, this post has been playing on my mind. What can I share? Where should I start?

And then tonight, I get together with a friend deep in the throes of grief. She asks if I will meet her at Starbucks and help her write her baby's obituary.

We meet, and she shares all the precious photos she has of her sweet Hannah. My tears drip. I think I cried more than she did. And then we write -- well, she speaks, I try to keep up with my clumsy, frozen cold fingers on my iPhone.

And then we trim, trim, trim and reword.

And then it's done. 500 characters to sum up an entire life.

It just doesn't seem like enough does it? It would never be enough.

And so my head and heart are now in that beautiful place that is brokenness. Tonight's brokenness was not my own, but I was allowed in to that sacred place with her. Where time was not enough. Where time has both stood still -- and yet mercilessly still charges on.

And so tonight, I want us to start with our stories. I'm going to share in later posts why this is so important. And why we are starting with brokenness instead of with optimism or success tips and tricks. Trust me, eventually this will make sense.

I'd like you to pick 3 events of brokenness in your life that have shaped you or molded you in some fashion.

Here's how mine looks -- and how I want to you to fashion your events on paper. If you have more than 3 key events, feel free to add more. I stuck with my top 4.

Tomorrow, we'll talk this through.  But as you write your key events out, as you think about them over the course of the next 24 hours, I want you to really think about how these events have shaped your life. Shaped who you are. How you think. What you do. Or maybe what you DON'T do.

Ok, do you have them? Good. Now publish that blog post, close that journal, and get a good night's rest. We'll meet up again tomorrow.

Click here for Pursuit of Purpose Session 2


  1. My list:
    ♡my first three years
    ♡losing foster siblings after birth parents "earned" them back
    ♡my previous relationship

  2. Here's the link to my blog for session #1:

    Thanks for doing this again Rachel. I can't wait to see where this new journey leads to. :)
