
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pursuit of Purpose Workshop commences!

Recently, I published a few posts about purpose. (You can find them here, here , here and here.)

And as I have explored what makes me tick, I've come to realize that helping others find their purpose and their stories are just as important to me.

And so I want to know if you want to join me on this journey to discovering what we are meant for, who we were created to become, and how we can fulfill our callings.

While this is not the blind leading the blind -- it is the learner leading the learner.

I am not an expert on purpose, but I am passionate about it, I'm learning about it, and I'm pursuing my own. Instead of just doing this myself, I want to create a community around me of people who are looking for and wanting MORE.

So here's my proposition -- I'm going to be posting a few articles/thought prompts/homework assignments each week for the next few weeks. If you want to join me in this blogging workshop, just comment that you're in.

If you blog, I recommend adding in your blog address in your comment so we can all follow each other. Feel free to "do" your homework on your own blog if you'd like, and comment back on each of my posts with your permalink.

If you don't blog, simply keep your own purpose journal where you can write down your answers and chronicle your journey. (I just gave you an excuse to get yourself to B&N's and grab a darling new journal. You may as well grab a cup of Joe while you're there.) ;) To be apart of the community, feel free to add your answers/thoughts/homework completion in the comment section of each post.

I want us all to learn from each other, and grow better together.

And if I may add -- while I hope hope hope that my posts will help inspire you and lead you in the right direction -- it will take EFFORT on your part to actually discover and develop your purpose and calling. I promise, it isn't hard and it won't take forever. But it will take some intentional effort and focus on your part.

So here it is girls! The Pursuit of Purpose Workshop.

Homework #1: Comment below if you are in (and add a blog link if you are a blogger. And if you're not a blogger, go grab a journal.)


  1. I'm in! I so need a project for March and getting through Preston's 1 year "angelversary" which is scarily approaching faster than I care to admit. I'm just about done with my February project - Positively February, which is definitely keeping me grounded.

    Thank you for this. My blog - dedicated to my son -

    1. Cat -- so excited you're in! You and your email were key in making me realize that what I'm learning needs to be for more than just myself -- I needed to share.

    2. <3 Glad we can inspire each other! Can't wait to get started!
