
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Kim's Story: meeting her baby who was miscarried 20 years ago

I miscarried a baby in 1984. I was in my first trimester. I too heard all of the "at least" comforts.

I did have two more children, but never got rid of the little white dress with
purple flowers I had hanging in the closet. I didn't know the gender of my

I was in prayer one night, twenty-two years later, grieving the loss.
In that moment, I was able to take the little dress out of my closet. As I was
praying, The Lord (in the Spirit) laid my baby in my arms. I wept. I rocked
my baby.

The Lord spoke to my heart and said, "Her name is Anna Elizabeth, and
she has raven hair."

He allowed me to love on her for a while and then I lifted her to Him and
had a peace I hadn't known. It wasn't until many years later that I learned
my great-grandmothers names on one side was “Elizabeth” and on the
other side was “Cinncianna” (Anna).

Wow! I know I will see her one day.

I hope this comforts someone.

Love, Kim

Thanks, Kim, for sharing this beautiful story. And for reminding us that God has not forgotten us or our babies. Much love. Rachel


  1. A testament of how loss is always with us even when we learn how to cope. I am thankful to be able to read all these stories. They are so touching and helpful. Thank you Rachel for putting them together and sharing.

  2. Oh Kim! So beautiful ... the Lord is truly wonderful. I cried reading this because a similar thing happened to me. The Lord showed me my lovely little girl and her beautiful blond hair and her daddy's eyes. He whispered her name and I will never forget it. God's little miracles are sometimes our little ones.

