
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Detox kickoff for April

After one of my posts went viral, I had a lot of questions about the detox I did. (And still help others with.)

For the most part, I keep this blog separate from my business. And I try to keep it on the topic of loss.

But one of the things I most appreciate about the nutrition part of my business is that I really feel like I can help people with their health.

And when you're struggling to get pregnant, or struggling to keep a pregnancy, it is really nice to take back some control over your health.

When our tests kept coming back as negative (which is good -- it just doesn't help me find the answers), I wanted to do anything I can to get my body as healthy as I could.  For me, doing the detox two months in a row has been really great. My clothes are fitting better, I got rid of my reflux, and up until this last miscarriage, I was getting to bed on time and sleeping so much better. I was able to kick my caffeine habit (which is big).

I'm posting all this here because I want to let you know I'm kicking off another detox for the month of April. And if this is something that might be interesting to you, you are welcome to join!

Here are some posts about the detox that explain more:

My first experience on the detox

My most recent detox

Also, a few things to note:

-I am not making any claims that our program will help you get pregnant or keep a pregnancy. Only that it can make you healthier overall.

-You must live in Canada, the US, Australia, or the UK to participate. I know, I know. For those of you from Brazil, Maldova, Germany, Russia, Thailand, and China . . . I'm sorry. One day, we'll be there! :)

-The deadline to sign up for April's detox is Monday, March 31.

If you are interested in joining, or want to know more info, feel free to email me at

Little Miss enjoying her healthy shake

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